
Togo: Call to people affected by the Tsévié bypass project

HomeNews - InfosSocietyTogo: Call to people affected by the Tsévié bypass project
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Campagne Pigier Cisco

Preparations are well underway for the start of construction work on the Tsévié bypass project. In this regard, a call has been made to individuals whose properties will be affected either partially or completely by the construction of the said road.

The Prefect of Zio and the Mayor of Zio 1 Commune inform the residents of Tsévié that an important meeting between the authorities and property owners whose assets will be impacted by the construction of the Tsévié bypass road is scheduled for this Wednesday, July 26, 2023. According to the joint statement signed by both authorities, this meeting specifically concerns residents whose properties are located within the area stretching from the Davié toll booth to the Dalavé road. The objective of this meeting is to gather and review property documents held by residents in order to proceed with fair compensation in accordance with the laws in force in Togo.

According to the information, the route of the Tsévié bypass starts at the Davié toll booth, then crosses the Dalavé road at the high-voltage point before making its way through the Tsévié-Tabligbo road. Running alongside the West African Catholic University (UCAO), this bypass road eventually leads to the weigh station, near the Sanol service station.

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This large-scale project reflects the ambition of the Togolese authorities to modernize the country’s road infrastructure, thereby facilitating the mobility of the residents and contributing to the economic development of the region. The meeting between the COMEX (Committee of Experts) and the affected property owners marks a crucial step in the realization of this public interest project, ensuring that the rights of the residents affected by expropriation are respected and that their compensation is fair.


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