
Tips: Recipe for keeping your home always fragrant

HomeWomenTipsTips: Recipe for keeping your home always fragrant
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Campagne Pigier Cisco

Many people wonder how to keep their home always fragrant. And to solve this equation, most people buy perfumes or air fresheners from stores. However, these products can be harmful to your health. Here is a recipe using natural ingredients.

To have a fresh and pleasant-smelling space, you can make your own homemade air freshener. You can use it all year round, regardless of the season. This mixture is also effective as a natural repellent.


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To do this, you will need coarse salt, 1 tablespoon of alcohol, half a cup of fabric softener, a handful of cloves, and a container.

Preparation and instructions

Pour all the ingredients into a glass bowl, starting with the coarse salt and then adding the fabric softener.

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Next, add the alcohol and mix for 15 minutes.

Add a few cloves and mix well.

Place the remaining cloves on the surface.

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The coarse salt is effective in absorbing bad odors. The fabric softener provides a pleasant fragrance, which is enhanced by the scent of cloves.

Tips for keeping your home always fragrant

To ensure that the natural air freshener works effectively, it is important to regularly clean your home. Take the time to deodorize surfaces properly, avoid smoking indoors, and install a range hood in the kitchen. Also, make sure to ventilate your home well and minimize the use of chemical air fresheners as much as possible.


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