
The UN condemns the coup d’état in Gabon and calls for restraint

HomeNews - InfosDiplomacyThe UN condemns the coup d'état in Gabon and calls for restraint
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The Secretary-General of the United Nations, Antonio Guterres, has expressed categorical condemnation towards the orchestrated coup d’état in Gabon. In an appeal for restraint and dialogue, he emphasizes the importance of preserving fundamental freedoms and calls on security forces to protect the physical integrity of the president and his family.

Gabon is currently in the midst of a crisis marked by a coup d’état that has overthrown President Ali Bongo. Similar to several international authorities, the UN Secretary-General, Antonio Guterres, firmly condemned this military power grab in a strong statement. His spokesperson, Stéphane Dujarric, announced that the UN Chief “strongly condemns the ongoing attempted coup” and urged all parties involved to exercise restraint and promote dialogue.

Antonio Guterres expressed concern about the announced election results in a context where serious violations of fundamental freedoms have been reported. He made it clear that the current attempted coup is by no means a solution to the post-election crisis. This statement underscores the UN’s commitment to peace, democracy, and the respect for human rights.

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The Secretary-General also called on security forces to ensure the physical safety of the President and his family. This statement aims to prevent any violence against the legitimate leaders of the country and maintain stability in an already tense situation.

“Make some noise” As a reminder, military personnel led by the head of the presidential guard overthrew President Ali Bongo shortly after he was declared the winner of the presidential election. Placed under house arrest, Ali Bongo called on the people for help. “Make some noise,” he declared. While Russia and China refrained from condemning the military power grab, expressing concern about the events unfolding in Libreville, France and the African Union went further in their statement, firmly condemning the actions of the coup plotters.


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