
The EU suspends funding for the World Food Programme in Somalia

HomeNews - InfosDiplomacyThe EU suspends funding for the World Food Programme in Somalia
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Campagne Pigier Cisco

The European Union (EU) has decided to suspend its funding of the World Food Programme (WFP) in Somalia after a UN investigation revealed widespread cases of theft and abuse of aid meant to prevent famine in the country.

WFP’s head, Cindy McCain, emphasized the impact of this suspension, pointing out that 2.6 million people in Somalia depend on this vital assistance. This decision comes after the EU provided over $7 million in humanitarian aid to the Horn of Africa.

The Somali Agency for Disaster Management (SoDMA) acknowledged the possibility of aid diversion and pledged to investigate the findings of the UN’s internal report. In response, the UN and the Somali government have established a joint working group to develop a strategy to reduce aid diversion and enhance transparency in distribution.

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Somalia has recently experienced a severe drought, the worst in 40 years, leading to the displacement of over 1.4 million people and the death of millions of livestock. According to UN estimates, nearly 5 million Somalis are suffering from acute food insecurity, with approximately 1.8 million children under five experiencing acute malnutrition.


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