
Silverfish: 03 natural alternatives to get rid of them

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Campagne Pigier Cisco

Silverfish is a small insect that is not harmful to humans but can be quite bothersome within the house. Difficult to detect due to its size and exclusively nocturnal movements, it enjoys hiding in cracks and crevices of warm and humid rooms. It eats almost anything and will be naturally attracted to unprotected food and crumbs. Discover safe methods to get rid of them.

Don’t worry, silverfish pose no danger to humans. Apart from their annoying presence in a home, similar to termites, they can damage books, fine linen clothes, silk dresses, and cardboard boxes. However, there is no real estate diagnosis for silverfish, so it is necessary to eliminate them from your home as quickly as possible.

Cinnamon To drive away silverfish, you can rely on the scent of cinnamon, which these pests cannot stand. Begin by identifying the cracks and crevices where they hide, then place cinnamon sticks there. You can also use powdered cinnamon, sprinkle it in small bowls, and place them in the affected areas. To maintain the deterrent effect of cinnamon, it is advised to replace it weekly.

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Lavender oil Lavender oil is another effective way to get rid of silverfish. Dilute a teaspoon of lavender essential oil in a glass of water, pour the solution into a spray bottle, and then spray this natural repellent on the cracks and other corners of the house infested by these pests. For maximum effectiveness, apply this solution once a day.

Diatomaceous earth Diatomaceous earth is another natural approach to eliminate silverfish. To use it, identify the areas where silverfish like to hide and sprinkle the powder there. Also, place it along the baseboards as these pests love to nest in these areas. Choose food-grade diatomaceous earth, which is considered safe for pets and humans.

By using these natural and easy-to-apply tricks, you can bid farewell to silverfish permanently.


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