
Senegal: Lifting of Security Measures around Ousmane Sonko’s Residence

HomeUncategorizedSenegal: Lifting of Security Measures around Ousmane Sonko's Residence
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Campagne Pigier Cisco

After nearly two months of being surrounded by security forces, the security measures around the residence of Senegalese opposition leader Ousmane Sonko have been lifted. This information was confirmed by a spokesperson for Pastef, the political party of the protesting leader. This action comes after Sonko was sentenced to two years in prison in a widely publicized moral case that had caused political tensions in the country.

Since May 28th, Ousmane Sonko’s residence had been under high surveillance, effectively isolating him from the rest of the world. The opposition leader, a vocal critic of the current government, was convicted on June 1st and sentenced to two years in prison following the highly publicized moral case. His conviction had sparked massive protests by his supporters across Senegal, and the opposition had denounced it as a political trial aimed at silencing their leader.

Sonko’s political party, Pastef, confirmed the information regarding the lifting of the security measures around his residence. However, the party spokesperson emphasized that Ousmane Sonko was not arrested during this period of blockade. Despite the restrictive measure, the opposition leader continued to make his voice heard by delivering messages to his supporters and calling for the continuation of peaceful demonstrations to defend democracy and human rights in Senegal.

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The Senegalese authorities have not issued an official statement regarding the lifting of the security measures. This decision comes amid ongoing political tensions in the country. Supporters of Ousmane Sonko hope that this measure will be a step towards easing tensions and will allow for constructive dialogue between the government and the opposition to resolve political differences and strengthen democracy in Senegal.


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