
Russia-Africa Summit: Putin offers a presidential helicopter to Zimbabwe

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Vladimir Putin has offered a helicopter to the President of Zimbabwe, as announced by the government of the country on Thursday, as the Russian leader seeks support from African leaders gathered in Saint Petersburg.

The Russian President made an offer to his Zimbabwean counterpart, a presidential helicopter, according to the Zimbabwean Ministry of Communication. “His Excellency President Putin has given His Excellency President Emmerson Dambudzo Mnangagwa a presidential helicopter,” the ministry announced on Twitter.

The Zimbabwean Ministry released photos of Mnangagwa descending the steps of the aircraft and sitting in the cabin in front of a table filled with glasses of white wine and a bowl of fruits. “This bird will soon be in our skies,” added the government spokesperson, Nick Mangwana, on Twitter, renamed X.

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The Zimbabwean leaders are targeted by US and European sanctions for corruption and human rights violations. Mnangagwa, 80 years old, who is seeking re-election in a closely watched election next month, has long attributed his country’s economic difficulties to these sanctions. “The victims of the sanctions must cooperate,” said Mnangagwa, standing in front of the helicopter, in a video posted by his Ministry of Information.


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