
“Our ambassador in Niamey will remain despite pressure from the coup leaders,” assures Emmanuel Macron

HomeNews - InfosDiplomacy"Our ambassador in Niamey will remain despite pressure from the coup leaders," assures Emmanuel Macron
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Campagne Pigier Cisco

President Emmanuel Macron believes that Sylvain Itté, who was ordered to leave the country by the coup leaders, should continue his mission “despite the pressures, despite all the statements from illegitimate authorities.”

Emmanuel Macron commends the French ambassador to Niger, who is still in office on Monday, August 28th. One month after the overthrow of President Mohamed Bazoum, the military junta in power ordered the French ambassador, Sylvain Itté, to leave the territory “within 48 hours,” which expired on Sunday, August 27th. The ultimatum has passed, and Paris does not intend to change its position.

“France and diplomats have faced particularly difficult situations in certain countries in recent months, whether it’s Sudan where France has been exemplary, or Niger right now, and I salute your colleague and colleagues who are listening from their posts,” Emmanuel Macron said in a speech to the ambassadors during their annual meeting.

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“It was said that France was too involved in supporting President Bazoum (…) but what would we do if a coup like this happened in Bulgaria or Romania?” he continued, adding: “We have an honest, democratically elected, courageous man, because he doesn’t resign at the risk of his life and that of his family, and we’re being told that the right policy would be to abandon him?”

“Our policy is simple: we don’t recognize the coup leaders, we support a president who hasn’t resigned, and we support the diplomatic and military action of ECOWAS in its partnership approach,” he finally emphasized.


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