
Madagascar: President Andry Rajoelina has officially resigned

HomeNews - InfosPoliticsMadagascar: President Andry Rajoelina has officially resigned
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Madagascar: President Andry Rajoelina has officially resigned after being formally confirmed as a candidate in the presidential elections on November 9th, according to the Constitutional Court.

The Malagasy constitution requires an incumbent head of state seeking re-election to first resign, as reported by Reuters Africa. Rajoelina sent his resignation letter to the court on Saturday following the confirmation of his candidacy for the elections, the High Constitutional Court announced on Saturday evening in a statement.

The President of the Senate is supposed to assume presidential powers when the head of state resigns, but the court stated that the Senate President, Herimanana Razafimahefa, had declined to take over. The court declared that presidential authority would now be exercised collectively by the government, with the Prime Minister at its helm.

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Additionally, the High Court of Madagascar has released the official list of presidential candidates. Out of the 28 candidates, 13 have been selected, including Rajoelina and two former presidents, Marc Ravalomanana and Hery Rajaonarimampianina.


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