
Kenya: A lady murdered at her home by her housemaid.

HomeUncategorizedKenya: A lady murdered at her home by her housemaid.
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Campagne Pigier Cisco

Karisa Rahab was stabbed by her housemaid in the early hours of Thursday, July 20, at her residence in Mnarani Classic Estate, just outside the city of Kilifi, Kenya.

Indeed, the lifeless body of Karisa Rahab was found lying in a pool of blood. According to preliminary investigations, the fatal attack on the woman by her housemaid was triggered by a lack of money. “The government official from the coastal county would have immediately succumbed to knife wounds following an attack by her housemaid on the morning of Thursday, July 20, at her residence in Mnarani Classic Estate, which is adjacent to the city of Kilifi at a distance. The suspected housemaid fled the scene.”

The county police chief confirmed the incident. Also, investigators at the scene found the deceased’s body with a knife beside her and scattered documents. “We went to the scene and managed to recover the knife used to kill her. She had a visible wound, but we hope to get more answers after an autopsy,” said Mr. Hadi.

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It is worth noting that as part of the agriculture and livestock development program, Karisa was the Director of Fisheries and Blue Economy in Kilifi County and had returned from Italy a few days before her death.


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