
Ivory Coast: Artist Ange Farot in critical condition

HomePeopleCelebrityIvory Coast: Artist Ange Farot in critical condition
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Ivorian singer and artist Ange Farot is currently battling a serious illness. The artist has depleted his financial resources, preventing him from obtaining the necessary medications. As a result, his loved ones have launched an appeal to save his life.

Images of Ange Farot lying in a hospital bed have been circulating on various social media platforms for a few hours. The nature of his illness has not yet been disclosed. However, in a recent interview on the La 3 channel of RTI, Ange Farot mentioned having suffered from a hernia in the past and claimed to have fully recovered from it.

Unfortunately, his current situation is dire. Hospitalized in a medical facility in Abidjan, Ange Farot is struggling to cope with escalating medical expenses. To rally support, a passionate call for help has been initiated on the Meta platform by concerned internet users and notable public figures such as Mauricette Aholia.

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She fervently appeals to the Ivorian community, emphasizing the seriousness of Ange Farot’s condition. According to the columnist, the artist’s health is hanging by a thread and urgent intervention is indispensable.

“Ange Faro’s family is now in a life-and-death situation and is seeking help from Ivorians because his health condition is very serious. They no longer have the means to pay the bills and he continues to vomit black. Let’s please help him,” Mauricette Aholia alerted on her Facebook page.

Financial assistance is desperately needed as Ange Farot’s family can no longer bear the financial burden. He continues to endure alarming symptoms, including vomiting black substances.


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