
Gabon: The European Union Reacts to the Removal of Ali Bongo

HomeNews - InfosDiplomacyGabon: The European Union Reacts to the Removal of Ali Bongo
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Campagne Pigier Cisco

The European Union strongly condemned the seizure of power “by force” in Gabon and urged all parties to exercise restraint.

The European Union has strongly reacted to the recent seizure of power “by force” in Gabon, expressing its categorical rejection of these events and calling for restraint from all parties involved. In a statement from the European Union’s High Representative for Foreign Affairs, Josep Borrell, concerns were raised about the violation of constitutional order and democracy in this Central African country.

The European Union’s statement asserted that the challenges currently facing Gabon must be resolved within the framework of fundamental principles of the rule of law and democracy. Violence and the unilateral seizure of power “by force” were categorically condemned. The European Union called for an approach of inclusive and objective dialogue to ensure respect for the wishes of the Gabonese people.

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Furthermore, the European Union voiced serious concerns about the handling of the electoral process preceding the military coup. The bloc emphasized that the path to problem resolution and the establishment of legitimate governance lies in respecting constitutional order and the voice of the Gabonese population.

On Wednesday, a military group announced that they had taken control of Gabon on public television, questioning the legitimacy of the elections that had seen President Ali Bongo’s re-election for a third term. This seizure of power was quickly followed by the cancellation of elections, dissolution of state institutions, and closure of borders.


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