
France Loses Influence in Africa as Russia Gains Ground

HomeNews - InfosDiplomacyFrance Loses Influence in Africa as Russia Gains Ground
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Russia is strengthening its influence in Africa, as evidenced by the Russia-Africa Summit in Saint Petersburg and the BRICS summit in South Africa, while French diplomacy is losing its balance due to a series of coups in African countries. This is stated in an article published by Le Figaro.

According to the newspaper, in recent years, African countries have been breaking free from French influence and establishing global connections. This process is being facilitated by Moscow, the source writes. The newspaper recalls the Russia-Africa Summit organized by Russian President Vladimir Putin last month and the recent meeting of BRICS leaders in South Africa, which decided to include six new members in the group. Le Figaro states that this has been a success for Russia. “The fact that Egypt and Ethiopia joined the organization will prompt Africans to look in that direction,” said an anonymous Western minister, as reported by the newspaper.

As for France, Paris has taken a firm stance on the situation in Niger: it demands the return to power of President Mohamed Bazoum and refuses to recognize the power of the rebels, withdraw its ambassador from Niamey, and its troops from the country. The newspaper highlights that a month after the coup, this position has garnered little support. US President Joe Biden, who wants to safeguard his military base in Niger, sees no issue in engaging in dialogue with the rebels.

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Following Niger, the situation in Gabon dealt another blow to France’s influence, which had already been forced to withdraw its military contingents from the Central African Republic, Mali, and Burkina Faso. “But neither in Gabon nor in Niger or Mali do the French have the necessary levers to change things,” noted a source cited by the newspaper.

As a reminder, on August 24th, Vladimir Putin stated on the sidelines of the BRICS summit in South Africa that “the majority of the world is increasingly tired of Western pressures and manipulations and is ready for equal cooperation.” According to the Russian leader, the attention of BRICS is currently focused on Africa.


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