
Crisis in Niger: China offers mediation

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In an unexpected move, China has offered its mediation to help resolve the ongoing political crisis in Niger. Since the overthrow of elected President Mohamed Bazoum over a month ago, the country has been plunged into a period of political uncertainty and mounting tensions.

Chinese Ambassador Jing Feng, stationed in Niamey, met with Nigerien transitional Prime Minister Ali Mahamane Lamine Zeine to discuss this mediation proposal. During the meeting, Jing Feng emphasized that China maintains its commitment to the principle of non-interference in the internal affairs of other countries. However, China is closely monitoring the situation in Niger and is ready to play a mediator role in achieving a political solution to the crisis.

A Mediator Role

Jing Feng told the press after the meeting, “The Chinese government intends to assume the role of mediator, fully respecting the countries in the region, in order to achieve a political solution to the Nigerien crisis.” He also emphasized that China supports the Nigeriens in the current political context, while encouraging African countries to seek their own solutions to the challenges they face.

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Niger and China have a partnership relationship in various fields, including energy, oil, and infrastructure. The two countries are currently working on a 2,000 km pipeline project that will facilitate the transportation of crude oil from the Agadem fields in southern Niger to the port of Seme in Benin.

China’s mediation proposal offers hope for a peaceful resolution to the political crisis in Niger. However, there are still numerous challenges, including ongoing discussions with the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) regarding the lifting of sanctions and the eventual withdrawal of French troops stationed in Niger.


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