
Côte d’Ivoire: A student dies by hanging

HomeUncategorizedCôte d'Ivoire: A student dies by hanging
- Publicité-
Campagne Pigier Cisco

Guedé Zoua Agathe, a 5th-grade student in Issia, a town located in the central-western region of Côte d’Ivoire, has decided to commit suicide because she couldn’t bear the severe reproaches from her father regarding her sexual life.

Indeed, the student from the private school in the village of Namané, in the Issia department, hanged herself in one of the rooms of her father’s house on Monday, August 7, 2023, after her father criticized her sexual life. The young girl, scolded by her father, disappeared from her family’s view and was later found hanged. Before the exhumation and burial of the body, authorities conducted an examination.

- Publicité-

According to our source, law enforcement officials heard from the deceased’s father. Furthermore, an investigation is underway to determine the nature of this hanging, which continues to generate discussions in the city.


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