
Benin: This Hilarious Anecdote from Comedian Le Kromozom about Dine Alougbine’s Anger

HomePeopleCelebrityBenin: This Hilarious Anecdote from Comedian Le Kromozom about Dine Alougbine's Anger
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Campagne Pigier Cisco

Comedian Judicaël Avaligbé is known for his talent in telling funny stories and hilarious anecdotes during his shows. On the set of the show “Tous les jours ne sont pas dimanche” hosted by slam poet Sergent Markus, Judicaël Avaligbé, also known as Le Kromozome, shared a humorous anecdote about Diné Alougbine.

Beninese comedian Judicaël Avaligbé, known as Le Kromozome, shared a hilarious anecdote about his mentor, actor Dine Alougbine. This friendship between the two artists has developed over the years, evolving from a mentor-student relationship to a quasi-familial bond.

In Dine Alougbine’s Angry Universe Judicaël Avaligbé’s anecdote delves into the world of Dine Alougbine when he gets angry. “The first anecdote that comes to mind is the day he got really angry. When he’s angry, he goes upstairs. And when he comes back down, it’s as if nothing happened. He’s already calmed down and has already forgotten why he was angry,” he revealed.

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Judicaël goes on to reveal that Dine Alougbine once admitted that he gets angry a little too much. “You know, I get angry way too much. If I continue like this, the kids (referring to his students) will make me sick. I’ll stop, I’ll stop tomorrow,” he disclosed. However, Dine Alougbine couldn’t keep that promise, as he got angry the same day, Judicaël pointed out with a smile.

Dine Alougbine, the Embodiment of Theater This anecdote, filled with humor and lightness, perfectly illustrates the personality of Dine Alougbine, known for his quick temper and eccentricity on stage. It also reflects the unique relationship between these two artists, going beyond mere camaraderie, more like that of a father and a son, a master and a student.

An undisputed master of the dramatic genre in Benin, Dine Alougbine is theater incarnate and lives it daily. As the director of the International School of Theater in Benin (EITB), he remains unrivaled and still holds the record for the most performed show in Benin.

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Le Kromozome and His Unparalleled Talent On the other hand, Judicaël Avaligbé, also known as Le Kromozome, continues to entertain the Beninese audience with his unparalleled talent on the Beninese stages. His rapport with the audience shines through in each of his performances, bringing joy and good humor to his listeners.

When Judicaël Avaligbé tells his stories on stage, he elicits bursts of laughter from the audience. His ability to transform ordinary events into comedic moments makes him one of the most beloved comedians of his time.


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