
Benin: The LD party announces its first regular congress.

HomeNews - InfosSocietyBenin: The LD party announces its first regular congress.
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Campagne Pigier Cisco

During the National Council meeting held on Saturday, the Les Démocrates party has set the date for its first regular congress.

On October 14th and 15th, 2023, in Parakou, party officials, members, and supporters of Les Démocrates will gather for the regular congress, the first since the party’s legal recognition in 2020 by the Ministry of Interior and Public Security (MISP).

As per the party’s statutory provisions, the regular congress is scheduled to be held every three years after a National Council meeting. The party officials are thus in perfect accordance with their organization’s guidelines.

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This congress, taking place less than three years before the 2026 general elections, will lead to significant decisions shaping the party’s future. The renewal and strengthening of the party’s structures are already planned at the conclusion of the congress, with new leaders anticipated to be appointed to various executive positions.


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