
Benin: Robert Dossou pleads for presidential pardon for Aïvo, Madougou, and Co.

HomeUncategorizedBenin: Robert Dossou pleads for presidential pardon for Aïvo, Madougou, and Co.
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Campagne Pigier Cisco

Invited on “Vous à nous” show on radio Peace Fm, this Sunday, July 23, 2023, Me Robert Dossou openly called for presidential pardon for “political prisoners,” notably Joël Aïvo and Reckya Madougou.

For a complete relaxation of the sociopolitical situation, Robert Dossou is convinced that “those who are in prison” must be granted clemency. “As of today, there are still tensions and frustrations in the Republic of Benin, and it is necessary for the Head of State, Patrice Talon, to lift the burdens by starting with granting clemency to all those who are in prison,” he said.

According to the lawyer, it is not the time to dwell on what has been reproached to the concerned individuals and “what has been alleged to convict them,” but it is time to work for their release. “I believe it is time for him (Patrice Talon) to grant clemency by default. He has the power. He can do it… I am pleading for this. If I have to plead, I will because it will also benefit him,” emphasized Me Robert Dossou.

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Among the individuals in detention for actions related to political tensions, the cases of Joël Aïvo and Reckya Madougou are notable. Joël Aïvo, an academic, has been sentenced to 10 years in prison for “undermining state security.” Reckya Madougou, on the other hand, has received a 20-year prison sentence for “financing terrorist acts.”

According to the prosecution, they allegedly committed these acts in an attempt to prevent the presidential election of April 2021. It should be noted that Joël Aïvo and Reckya Madougou have denied all accusations brought against them and have denounced political persecution directed at them.


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