
Benin: Police officer detained for trafficking counterfeit medicines

HomeUncategorizedBenin: Police officer detained for trafficking counterfeit medicines
- Publicité-
Campagne Pigier Cisco

The Special Prosecutor of the Court for Economic Crimes and Terrorism (Criet) has placed a Republican police officer in pre-trial detention. He is being prosecuted for trafficking counterfeit medicines.

Based on information provided by a suspect, a police officer was remanded in custody last Monday for trafficking counterfeit medicines. According to Bip radio, the officer of the Republican police was implicated by an individual arrested in Ekpè.

During the operation that took place on July 11th, the police seized 165 kg of counterfeit medicines. During questioning, the first suspect confessed, leading to the identification of the police officer involved in the case.

- Publicité-

His police colleagues tracked him down, and he was quickly apprehended and presented to the Special Prosecutor, who decided to place him in pre-trial detention.


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