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Benin: Kemi Seba released a few hours after his arrest

HomeNews - InfosSocietyBenin: Kemi Seba released a few hours after his arrest
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Campagne Pigier Cisco

The head of the Urgence Panafricaniste NGO is now free. According to Bip fm, Kemi Seba was released around 3 a.m. on Saturday, September 16.

Kemi Seba and Hery Djehuty had been arrested the day before. According to Nathalie Yamb, Kemi Seba and his associates are accused of incitement to insurrection and money laundering.

In the Nigerien crisis, Kemi Seba did not hide his support for the coup leaders. In fact, he is expected in Niger on Monday, September 25, to participate in an “anti-French” demonstration in support of the new authorities in Niamey.


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