
Benin: Government condemns the assassination of Armale Aïvohozin in France

HomeUncategorizedBenin: Government condemns the assassination of Armale Aïvohozin in France
- Publicité-
Campagne Pigier Cisco

Benin did not remain indifferent to the tragic death of Armale Aïvohozin. The Benin embassy in France officially commented on the matter, formally condemning this act of barbarism.

Through its diplomatic representation in France, Benin expressed outrage over the murder of its citizen, Armale Aïvohozin. According to the reported information, she was found dismembered in her refrigerator, and her partner, an Algerian with whom she was already planning to separate, is the primary suspect.

In a statement issued on this matter, the Benin embassy in France “strongly condemned this heinous and inhumane act.” As the case is already under investigation by the French authorities, the embassy urges everyone to remain calm and await the progress of the inquiries.

- Publicité-

Additionally, legal actions may also be pursued from Benin. The National Institute for Women (INF), responsible in this matter, is working on it.

It should be noted that two people are currently in custody in connection with this case: the victim’s boyfriend, the main suspect, and the victim’s friend.


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