
Benin-Dassa Zoumè Tragedy: Parents of Victims Form an Association for Several Reasons

HomeUncategorizedBenin-Dassa Zoumè Tragedy: Parents of Victims Form an Association for Several Reasons
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Campagne Pigier Cisco

Nearly 7 months after the tragedy that claimed the lives of around twenty people in Dassa Zoumè, the parents of the victims have come together to form an association.

The Association of Parents and Victims of Traffic Accidents is the newly established group formed by the parents of the victims of the fatal accident that occurred on January 29, 2023, in Dassa Zoumè. The creation of this association took place on Saturday, August 5, 2023, at Chant d’oiseau in Cotonou.

This association was established to advocate for the rights of the parents of the victims of this tragedy that deeply affected the entire Beninese people. Presided over by Francis Ahouadi, who lost his twin brother in the accident, this association will be a privileged interlocutor to engage in discussions with the government.

- Publicité-

The Association of Parents of Victims of Traffic Accidents was not only created to defend the interests of the parents of the victims of the tragedy that occurred on January 29 but also to stand alongside the authorities in promoting greater road safety in the country.

This association was also established to institute a memorial day in memory of this national tragedy. As a reminder, the accident, which claimed the lives of about twenty people, occurred between a public transport bus carrying 42 passengers and a truck with 3 passengers onboard. At the scene, 20 people lost their lives, and 24 others were injured to varying degrees of severity.


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