
Benin: Arrested in Fraud Case, a Director Released in Toffo

HomeNews - InfosSocietyBenin: Arrested in Fraud Case, a Director Released in Toffo
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Campagne Pigier Cisco

On Tuesday, April 9, 2024, the Toffo police station witnessed an unexpected twist. The director of the Colli Agbamè preschool, who was arrested the day before in a fraud case along with two other individuals, was released the following day, Wednesday, April 10, according to information reported by Bip FM.

It appears, from the words of Gérard Kouyitode, the district head of Colli who was approached by the radio station, that the director had unwittingly acted as an intermediary between the scammers and their victim. The fraudsters had used his SIM card to transfer the sum of 180,000 Fcfa resulting from the scam. The victim had stated they would be willing to withdraw their complaint if they were reimbursed.

The director’s involvement as an alleged accomplice was suspected by the commissioner after the latter tried to return the scammed funds in person to the victim, accompanied by a friend. However, following the full restitution of the funds, the complaint was withdrawn by the aggrieved party, thus ending the affair in a rather unexpected manner.


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