The emblematic social media personality from Côte d’Ivoire, Apoutchou National, also known as Stéphane Agbré, shared exciting news with his impressive following through a post on his Facebook account on Wednesday, April 17, 2024.
Famous for his contributions as an influencer and blogger, Apoutchou National continues his streak of inspirational projects, recently making a splash with the creation of his “AP Foundation”. Hot on the heels of this philanthropic venture, he unveiled a personal announcement that has sparked a wave of positive reactions among his supporters.
Holding dear the significant milestones in life, Apoutchou now wishes to formalize his commitment to his partner, a relationship that has been kept away from the limelight by the private couple until now. With a post adorned with photographs of himself and his betrothed, Apoutchou’s simple yet meaningful message was revealed to the world: “It is you who my heart has chosen, I love you bb. Join us on Friday, April 26 at 8 pm at the Sofitel for my wedding. Thanks to my sponsor Fabrice Sawegnon.“