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Astrology: Your Favorite Dish According to Your Zodiac Sign

HomeWomenAstrologyAstrology: Your Favorite Dish According to Your Zodiac Sign
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Campagne Pigier Cisco

“You are what you eat,” as they often say. Yes, discover in this article the favorite dishes of each zodiac profile.

Just as your zodiac sign can determine certain traits of your personality, it can also provide indications about your food profile. Find below your favorite dish according to your zodiac sign.

Aries It is well known that Aries is an impulsive sign that often makes decisions on a whim. As such, this sign often orders food without thinking, following its cravings. Although they enjoy hearty dishes like the traditional steak and fries, they also love sandwiches or kebabs.

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Taurus This zodiac sign is undoubtedly the most food-loving of the zodiac. For them, eating is synonymous with pleasure. Taurus enjoys hearty and traditional dishes, which they share with their loved ones, and has a preference for anything pasta-based. As a cheese lover, their guilty pleasure is undoubtedly raclette.

Gemini Gemini is a very curious sign that loves to explore the world around them. They won’t hesitate to try dishes from different cultures, such as paella, burgers, or Asian cuisine. For them, food allows them to travel.

Cancer Cancer is deeply connected to their family. They love sharing meals with their loved ones around a big table. All traditional dishes make them happy. This sign is also a big fan of fish: they adore salmon and have a weakness for sushi.

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Leo Leo doesn’t enjoy cooking and prefers to order food when they want to treat themselves. Although they enjoy hearty and traditional dishes, they also like to surprise themselves by trying more exotic dishes such as tapas or poke bowls.

Virgo This sign is the healthiest eater as they pay great attention to their well-being. Slightly hypochondriac, Virgo takes care to eat balanced and healthy meals. They enjoy salads, avocado, and quiches – the main thing is to eat light.

Libra Libra has a weakness for foreign cuisine. Like Gemini, they love discovering dishes that allow them to travel during a meal. Libra particularly enjoys spicy dishes and loves tapas, chili con carne, and burritos. They also have a sweet tooth once night falls.

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Scorpio Scorpio enjoys eating in a convivial atmosphere, with friends or family. There’s nothing like a simple, shareable dish like pizza. When they host guests, they become true gourmet chefs and do everything to please them by preparing delicious meals.

Sagittarius Like Scorpio, Sagittarius loves cooking to delight their guests. However, this sign tends to be absent-minded, which can lead them to skip steps in a recipe or forget ingredients. Fortunately, they have a real talent for cooking and know how to fix their mistakes. Sagittarius particularly enjoys cooking simple meals like fajitas, risotto, and fish.

Capricorn Capricorn often orders food in winter when it starts to get cold and they don’t want to go out. This sign likes to stick to their routine: they always order the same thing, even if they tell themselves they’ll change it each time. Capricorn enjoys simplicity, such as lasagna, salad, and soup.

Aquarius Aquarius enjoys preparing their own meals. They never forget to bring their Tupperware® container to work to indulge in a recipe they prepared themselves during their lunch break. This culinary enthusiast loves following all the latest trends and testing new recipes. They also have a weakness for pancakes and pastries.

Pisces For Pisces, eating is synonymous with sharing and conviviality. They hate eating alone and prefer to gather with their family for a good meal. When they’re away from their loved ones, they enjoy preparing dishes that remind them of their childhood, such as macaroni and cheese. Finally, Pisces loves fresh and high-quality products, such as chicken or fresh salmon.


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