
Togo: The electoral list posted this Thursday with a 48-hour period for appeals

HomeNews - InfosSocietyTogo: The electoral list posted this Thursday with a 48-hour period for appeals
- Publicité-
Campagne Pigier Cisco

Following the completion of data processing resulting from the voter registration operation, the Independent National Electoral Commission (CENI) has started, as of Thursday, July 20, 2023, the phase of posting the provisional electoral lists.

Everything is gradually falling into place for the holding of legislative and regional elections in Togo. In accordance with the law and the recent announcement made by the president of CENI, the provisional electoral lists have been posted in all Voter Registration Centers (VRCs) on Thursday, July 20.

After the posting of the lists, a 48-hour period will be given to the population for any potential challenges. Therefore, all voters are strongly advised to actively engage by going to the Voter Registration Centers (VRCs) used during the voter registration operation to verify their effective registration on the provisional electoral lists.

- Publicité-

“Any citizen who believes that a voter has been unduly registered, removed, or omitted from the electoral list can refer to CELI or CEAI. The appeal must be submitted within forty-eight (48) hours following the posting of the electoral lists. CELI or CEAI shall make its decision within a period of forty-eight (48) hours,” as stipulated by the electoral law in Article 55 paragraph 2.


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