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A schoolgirl murdered in Côte d’Ivoire: police apprehend the culprits

HomeNews - InfosSocietyA schoolgirl murdered in Côte d'Ivoire: police apprehend the culprits
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Campagne Pigier Cisco

In one of our articles published on Monday, July 17, 2023, we discussed the murder of Yeboua Adja Sandrine. The lifeless body of the 11-year-old student was discovered in Gonzagueville, in the commune of Port-Bouet.

According to the mother, those who ended her daughter’s life left her body in front of a woman’s house in the neighborhood, at around 5 a.m. on July 4, 2023. As these two young men held Sandrine’s body, a mother from the neighborhood who was rushing to the lôgôdougou (local market) caught them by surprise.

Curious, she approached the young men whom she knew well and questioned them about the origin of the lifeless body. “What is this? What are you doing here? What have you done?” she asked. Troubled by what she saw, she immediately woke up the neighbor at whose house the body had just been deposited.

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Emerging from her house hastily, the neighbor asked the young men a series of questions: “Where did you get this body? And why did you deposit it here?” And one of the young men replied, “We found the body in a corridor and decided to bring it here so that it would be discovered early by everyone.” In response, she ordered these young men to remove the body from her house because she wanted no trouble.

Subsequently, the young men moved their bodies, but they didn’t go any further as daylight was approaching. At dawn on June 4, the body was discovered, and the entire neighborhood was alerted. Three days later, one of the young men was reported to the police. Another young man, who was not present, went to the police to testify in favor of his friend. “I was with him that day, my friend did nothing!” he supported. He was automatically arrested. During questioning by the Pj, the first detainee eventually confessed the name of his accomplice with whom he disposed of the body.

For now, the presumed culprits, numbering 3, will appear before the court to answer for their heinous act. As for the victim, her body was deposited at the morgue in Port-Bouet. Due to a lack of means, the parents were unable to perform an autopsy before burying Sandrine in the Grand-Bassam cemetery two weeks after this tragedy, which is still making headlines.

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