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Benin – National Assembly: Representatives of LD in regional commissions and parliaments

HomeNews - InfosPoliticsBenin - National Assembly: Representatives of LD in regional commissions and parliaments
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Campagne Pigier Cisco

The parliamentary group “Les Démocrates” has finally appointed its representatives in the Standing Committees and regional parliaments. After several weeks of conflict with parties from the presidential coalition, Éric Houndété and his colleagues are conforming to the latest decision of the Constitutional Court.

The disputes surrounding the appointment of deputies to the Standing Committees and regional parliaments have come to an end. The list is now complete and includes representatives from “Les Démocrates.” In the Standing Committees, the parliamentary group “Les Démocrates” has filled the Secretary position reserved for them.

Deputy Hounsou Nounagnon Célestin represents the “Les Démocrates” party as Secretary of the Committee on Laws. Issiaka Arouna holds the same position in the Committee on Finance and Trade. Imorou Taïrou has been chosen for the Committee on Planning, Equipment, and Production.

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Deputies Sabi Karim Alassane and Élise H. Ayihè will respectively serve in the Committee on Education, Culture, Employment, and Social Affairs, and the Committee on External Relations, Development Cooperation, Defense, and Security.

Representatives of “Les Démocrates” in regional parliaments: The opposition party has also designated its representatives in the regional parliaments. They are as follows:

  • Abdel Kamel Ouassangari Bio Sika: ECOWAS Parliament;
  • Léon Dègny Ahossi: Pan-African Parliament;
  • François Sodjinou Oloutoyé: UEMOA Parliament;
  • Gafari Adéchokan: High Court of Justice;
  • Hélène Olosoumaï: Benin Human Rights Commission;
  • Viviane Orou Tama: Authority for the Protection of Personal Data.


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